Couples Counselling
I guess if you are visiting this page of my website you are experiencing some difficulties with your relationship. For most people getting to the point where you are reading this will have taken some soul searching and it will possibly be your first step in considering working with a Relationship Counsellor. You may feel apprehensive, have no idea what to expect or even if working with a Counsellor will work for you.
As with all counselling I look to provide a safe, confidential, supportive space where you can openly communicate with each other. Being open and honest about what you each need to improve your relationship is communication, this alone can facilitate the relationship you want as a couple. Simply by speaking openly you can create an atmosphere of trust and respect which will help bring you closer together in the longer term.
To construct a relationship that is strong and lasting, there needs to be the refreshing of your partnership. Working with couples requires that we look at each individual within the relationship as well as the relationship to each other. A regular question from clients is what happens to cause a rift in a relationship that has seemingly been successful for many years. Well, it can be that one of the partner's is carrying around unresolved issues in their own life, sometimes there are unresolved emotional issues on both sides. Occasionally, significant life changes happen which have a negative impact on your relationship. Redundancy, bereavement, ill health can all start feelings of anxiety, depression and uncertainty. Some people come to therapy saying there are times when they feel in a rut, complain that they don't communicate with each other as well as they used to. Perhaps they don't spend as much quality time together, this can lead to both partners feeling isolated whereas their relationship used to be really close.
There can be issues where there is a loss of trust if one partner has been involved in an affair, this can bring uncertainty about the future. Uncertainty can cause resentment, increasing frustration and hostility where we can easily get stuck in unhealthy patterns with both partners feeling unappreciated, unheard and unloved. Working together, constructing new meaning in the relationship, addressing challenging issues, helps you create a new foundation from which you can rebuild the relationship in a stronger form going forward.
Sometimes clients come to counselling to have a conversation, not about reconciliation. These are times when our discussion is around separation, this may be the best outcome for both of you. If this is found to be the only way forward then our sessions will change focus and become about how this can best be achieved amicably, particularly when there are children to consider.
Details of appointments and costs etc can be found on my contact page.